In this modern era, swimming is not only an interesting and fun water sport to do. However, swimming should also be a basic survival skill. Therefore, there is no harm in junior high school friends learning this sport, even mastering it. In the same year, the swimming competition was held for the first time, as well as fighting for the world champion. Most of the participants used the breaststroke in the match. Swimming is also growing. Finally created different forms and techniques of swimming styles. One of them is the freestyle swimming, which was first introduced by Arthur Trugen in 1873.

Then, in 1800 the first swimming pools were created in Germany and Australia. Initially the purpose of the swimming pool was for a military training area. Over time, swimming has become a modern sport. A German professor, Nicolas Wynman wrote a note that the modern sport of swimming was first born in 1538. Similar to the samurai era in Japan, knights in the Middle Ages also had to master swimming techniques. This is so that the knights are able to carry weapons when in the water, and be able to defend themselves in the water so as not to drown. In Japan itself, swimming technique became one of the skills that must be mastered by the samurai at that time. In historical records, the first competition in swimming was held in 36 BC by Emperor Suigui. In Babylonia, swimming activity is known to have existed since ancient times through paintings that are 4000 years BC. The painting is the most famous painting found in the Kebir desert. In the painting there is a person swimming breaststroke. In addition, there is also the discovery of wax stamps found in Egypt. This wax seal is estimated to have existed since 4000-9000 years BC. In the stamp, depicted four people who are swimming using a freestyle.